Hurst Weather
Thursday 5 December 2024 00:07
Temperature 9°C
Feels like 7°C
Wind SSE 4mph, gust 18mph
Visibility Good - Between 10-20 km
Precipitation 43%
Max UV index 0
Cloudy evening with fog patches clearing. Rain overnight. Becoming milder.
This Evening and Tonight:
Any fog patches clearing as winds freshen. Rain arriving from the west this evening, turning persistent with a chance of some locally heavy downpours. Rain becoming patchy and drizzly towards dawn. Winds easing by the morning away from the coast. Minimum Temperature 8C.
Rain and drizzle will clear to the east by mid-morning leaving some bright or sunny spells. Cloudier afternoon with outbreaks of showery rain and strong, gusty winds. Becoming dry overnight. Maximum Temperature 13C.
Outlook for Friday to Sunday:
Cool and clear much of Friday, then very wet and windy. Rain likely persisting until Saturday afternoon. Sunny spells this weekend with showers affecting eastern parts. Fresh northerly winds. Colder.